Surgeon General Says “Stay Home”

“Everyone should act as though they have the virus.” Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams warned Monday that the coronavirus outbreak will worsen this week, numbers will spike, and…

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President’s Today Schedule -March 23, 2020

12:30 EDT: Lunch with Vice President Pence 5:30PM EDT: White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing

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The popularity of virtual assistant home speakers has sparked a thriving industry in entertainment…

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Monday, March 23

President Donald Trump will begin the week by meeting with Vice President Mike Pence for a working lunch. The two are expected to focus the majority of their…

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Psalm 133:1 – Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! In wisdom, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the president, state governors,…

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Day 46

Day 46 I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in…

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Coronavirus Task Force Briefing – Late Sunday

The president and vice president gave updates. President Trump said every effort is being marshalled in the fight against the virus. It is critical that Americans follow the…

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Senator Rand Paul Tests Positive for COVID-19

Senator continues working, but from self-quarantine. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for the coronavirus and will remain in quarantine, according to an announcement made on Twitter.…

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U.S. and Canada to Refuse All Migrants

Temporary measure hopes to mitigate coronavirus spread. On Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the Canadian and United States’ governments have jointly decided to refuse migrants…

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Mnuchin Announces Income Tax Deadline Pushback

President Trump’s declaration of emergency is the catalyst for 3 month delay. To individuals who owe less than $1 million and corporations who owe less than $10 million,…

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