Increase in Coronavirus Test Availability

Critical large-scale testing is beginning to be implemented. At the end of last week, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony S. Fauci said that “The…

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Coronavirus Task Force Sunday Briefing

On Sunday, President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence gave an update on the recent developments concerning the COVID-19 outbreak and response.

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President’s Today Schedule -March 16, 2020

10:00AM EDT The President participates in a video teleconference with G7 Leaders on coordinated action in response to COVID-19 10:30AM EDT Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold…

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Obey God

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5–4 that all 50 states and the District of Columbia must recognize same-sex marriages…

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Monday, March 16

Today, President Donald Trump will join several teleconferences regarding the domestic and international responses to the COVID-19 outbreak. First, the president will meet virtually with leaders from the…

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Ron Jarmin, U.S. Census Bureau

Ron Jarmin is Deputy Director of the United States Census Bureau. Mr. Jarmin oversees the agency that produces data about the American people and the economy. We pray…

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When you are overwhelmed

There are times in the life of every person and nation when situations cause you to become overwhelmed. When you are honest with yourself, you may recall a…

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President’s Official Proclamation on the National Day of Prayer

By issue of President Donald J. Trump. For God to be at work in the hearts and minds of the president and our nation’s leaders. For God to…

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Sunday, March 15

Today, President Donald Trump called on Americans to take part in a national day of prayer. In the official statement from the White House, the president said, “I…

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Avoid Miscalculations

In 1999, the first interplanetary weather satellite was orbiting Mars when it came too close…

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