His Clear Promise

In centuries past, scientists observed, tested and described scientific laws…

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No Time for Wimpy Prayers

2 Chronicles 20:9 – If disaster comes upon us, the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before you—for your name is…

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Coronavirus Task Force Briefing – Friday

Defense Production Act being engaged for medical equipment production. White House adviser Peter Navarro thanked the president for engaging the Defense Production Act that will enable them to…

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President Signs Massive Stimulus

“This is the biggest relief ever signed” President Trump gathered with Cabinet members, lawmakers and members of the coronavirus task force in the Oval Office, thanking Republicans and…

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President Says Ford, GM, must build ventilators

President might invoke Defense Production Act. President Donald Trump told General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. on Friday that they must quickly build badly needed ventilators for…

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March 27th

Heavenly Father, as we look to find healing and a path to wellness, we ask for your blessings of strength and comfort each day. We ask these things…

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James Carroll, Office of National Drug Control Policy

James Carroll is the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. He oversees both national and international anti-drug efforts, while also serving as an advisor to…

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House Passes Stimulus Legislation

Bill on its way to president’s desk for signing. The House of Representatives passed the historic $2 trillion stimulus package that had passed the Senate earlier this week,…

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President Trump Meets with G20 Leadership

He spoke directly with the Chinese President. Thursday, President Trump participated in an emergency meeting of G20 leaders to discuss the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. During…

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President’s Today Schedule -March 27, 2020

12:00 Noon EDT Receives his intelligence briefing 5:00PM EDT Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing

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