Investors Hope to Wait Out Murky Financial Waters

Though the emergency bill is helpful, uncertainty permeates Wall Street. “As long as the scope of the virus is still so uncertain it’s really hard to make guesses…

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John C. Fleming, Asst. Sec. for Economic Development

John C. Fleming is the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. His agency helps economically distressed communities generate new employment, help retain existing jobs and stimulate industrial and…

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March 29th

Heavenly Father, We ask for guidance for our leaders, wisdom and skill for our medical professionals, and health and strength for all people. We ask these things in…

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President Considering “Hot Spot” Quarantines

Travelers would not be able to leave NY, NJ, parts of CT. President Trump said he might prohibit travel in and out of the New York area to…

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USNS Comfort Sets Sail for New York

The hospital ship will arrive Monday.  The USNS Comfort hospital ship set sail for New York Saturday with a send-off from President Trump. U.S. Navy Reserve sailors arrived…

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President’s Today Schedule -March 28, 2020

3:30pm: EDT Participates in a meeting with Supply Chain Distributors; Cabinet Room

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Day 40

Day 40 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” – Romans 12:2 Fill me with the joy of knowing You today, O Almighty God. I…

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“Why are you so afraid?”

Mark 4:40 – He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” It was evening when they finished meeting with the crowds beside…

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Start Stopping

What’s the biggest challenge on your Faith journey today…

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Sunday, March 29

President Donald Trump is taking part in a phone meeting with various supply chain distribution companies to discuss their response to the coronavirus. Both with the disruption of…

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