Gary Rasicot, Dept. of Homeland Security

Gary Rasicot is the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office. He works to protect our country and promote readiness for chemical, biological, radiological, and…

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March 30th

Heavenly Father, give us light in this time of darkness. Give us hope in this time of despair. Give us healing in this time of sickness. We ask…

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No City Will Avoid the Outbreak, Dr. Birx Warns

The virus is expanding rapidly. Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the president’s coronavirus task force who is also the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, said in an interview,…

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President’s Today Schedule -March 30, 2020

1:00PM EDT The President has lunch with the Vice President 5:30PM EDT Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing

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Coronavirus Impact on Individual States

Rainy day funds nearly depleted and drastic budget cuts loom near. As state governors do their best to plan the future in the midst of crisis, it is…

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Day 39

Day 39 “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” – Psalm 145:18  Almighty and Sovereign God, I…

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Monday, March 30

President Donald Trump will be meeting with Vice President Mike Pence for a working lunch. The two are expected to discuss the ongoing federal response to the COVID-19…

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While the Children Are at Home

1 John 3:18 – Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. Oh, yes, indeed, parents across America are very…

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The Jewish people were more than a little confused when Jesus arrived on the scene…

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President Trump’s Coronavirus Briefing for Sunday

Federal guidelines extended to April 30th. Prior to the briefing of the task force, President Trump met in the Cabinet Room with the supply chain distributors who reported…

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