Century-Old Vaccine Could Help Fight COVID-19

Immunization trials begin in Australia. A vaccine that has been widely used for about 100 years to prevent tuberculosis is being given to healthcare workers in Melbourne, Australia,…

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Tuesday, March 31

As part of the continuing federal response to the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump is meeting via the phone with executives from various network service companies. These companies…

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Day 38

Day 38 “One of those days, Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” – Luke 6:12 Dear Jesus, I feel…

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When Your Spirit is Crushed

Psalm 34:18 – The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Americans from coast to coast and border to border are facing a…

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Supernatural Power

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been paralyzed below the waist since 1984…

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March 31st

Heavenly Father, give us light in this time of darkness. Give us hope in this time of despair. Give us healing in this time of sickness. We ask…

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Report from Monday Coronavirus Task Force Briefing

“Challenging times are ahead,” the president says. The White House coronavirus task force convened another update on Monday as the magnitude of the disaster continues to expand and…

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President Recognizes National Doctors Day

“As one Nation, we pray…,” he said. President Trump recognized March 30 as National Doctors Day, praising “those who have collectively risen to the challenge of combating the…

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President Sends Letter to U.S. Governors

In it, he outlines COVID-19 plan and offers encouragement. On Thursday of last week, President Trump sent a letter to all of the nation’s governors to give a…

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Space Force Launches First Rocket into Orbit

Communications satellite was deployed successfully.  On Thursday, the U.S. Space Force celebrated its first successful tactical launch from Cape Canaveral delivering a communications relay satellite into orbit. The…

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