April 4th

Heavenly Father, as we seek healing and comfort for our country and our world, we look to you for guidance through the darkness. We look for the courage…

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Paul Kiecker, USDA

Paul Kiecker is the Administrator of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. Mr Kiecker’s office works to ensure the safety of America’s food supply.

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Surgeon General Updates Recommendations

The asymptomatic are a concern in public places. Surgeon General Jerome Adams spoke about the face mask issue and acknowledged that, due to the rapid and dynamic nature…

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First Vaccine Clinical Trial to Begin

“This is where America shines,” Baylor professor says. The race is on to find a vaccine to combat the aggressive spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. With funding from…

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President’s Today Schedule -April 3, 2020

12:00PM EDT The President participates in a phone call with Major League Commissioners 3:30PM EDT Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing

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Insurance and Economic Update from President Trump

Healthcare will be provided for uninsured, small business loans are to begin soon. President Trump began Friday’s briefing in the White House by introducing House Minority Leader Kevin…

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Saturday, April 4

Today, President Donald Trump will be taking part in a phone meeting with commissioners from major league organizations. As sporting events around the nation have been canceled and…

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What Me, Worried?

America’s youth are anxious and worried…

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Waging War

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 – For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly…

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Coronavirus Medical Care Update for Friday

Millions of respirators have been delivered to New York. President Trump said Louisiana, parts of Michigan, and New Jersey, are becoming hot spots just as in New York,…

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