Stand Courageous

It is not unusual for a sparrow to flee to its nest when the hawk flies near…

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Second Round of Direct COVID-19 Relief Payments Possible

Senate majority leader points out the pain of those making less than $40k per year. On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seemed to suggest he and his…

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Georgia Governor Activates National Guard

Governor Kemp declares state of emergency over deadly shootings in Atlanta. The long Independence Day weekend saw dozens of shootings in several Georgia cities that included the deaths…

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Justin Muzinich, U.S. Treasury

Justin Muzinich is United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. He advises on and assists with policies and programs of the treasury. We pray that God will guide him…

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Jul 7th

Heavenly Father, your love that guides us through the night. Help us keep faith in your plans, even when we might not understand your methods. Help us to…

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Supreme Court Issues Opinions

Three cases were determined on Monday. For the First time since 1997, the Supreme Court issued their opinions for the 2020 term in the month of July. The…

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President Wants National Garden of American Heroes

His executive order wants garden ready by July 4, 2026. Decrying the destruction of American monuments and statues, President Trump announced the establishment of an executive order to…

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Law and Order

What we are seeing in America is mob rule because some elected leaders capitulate to a mob. Until citizens hold them accountable at the ballot box, America’s system of government is doomed.

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Tuesday, July 7

President Donald Trump will have a working lunch with Vice President Mike Pence today. Last week at the U.S. Public Health Service headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, the vice…

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Boldly Go

Hawaii became a U.S. territory on July 7, 1898…

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