Sunday, July 5

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are staying at the White House today following the busy events and 4th of July celebrations that took place on…

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Speak Up

Glossophobia—up to 75 percent of Americans are affected by it…

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President’s Today Schedule – July 5, 2020

No Events

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COVID-19 Death Rate Falls as Hospitalizations Rise

U.S. charts record positive tests in one day. This past week marked the new record for the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States, topping at 55,220…

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Supreme Court Keeps Mueller Materials Sealed

Legal challenge is likely to continue into next year. The Supreme Court has agreed that in its next session beginning in October it will hear an appeal by…

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House Passes “Green” Infrastructure Bill

The $1.5 trillion package addresses climate change. In a 233-188 vote earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed a $1.5 trillion “green” infrastructure package that signaled a…

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President Donald Trump & The U.S. Armed Forces

In celebration of Independence Day, we pray for president Donald Trump  as well as the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. The freedom we enjoy as…

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Jul 4th

Heavenly Father, strengthen and help us to stand strong in our daily battle. Lift up our hearts and our spirits, and guide us as we navigate an uncertain…

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President Trump Wishes Americans Happy 4th of July

“We have a country that’s really making a comeback,” he says. “Melania and I would like to wish everybody in our great country a very very happy 4th…

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President Begins Independence Day Celebrations

Defends nation’s legacy at Mt. Rushmore. President Trump delivered an Independence Day speech in South Dakota on Friday leading into the Fourth of July weekend. He spoke of…

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