Jul 6th

Heavenly Father, protect us during these times. Strengthen our bodies and our minds as we face this challenge. Give us the wisdom to choose well as we make…

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New “Rethink Higher Education” Rules in Effect

Protection of religious freedoms holds a prominent place. New regulations based on the Rethink Higher Education agenda put forth by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos went into effect as…

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President Signs Bill Removing Salary Caps for Directors

New law waives salary limitations for those Veterans Affairs directors since 2010. On Thursday, President Trump signed bill S.3084 into law. It was introduced to the Senate in…

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Monday, July 6

President Donald Trump will be meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the White House this morning. The secretary of state reported this past week that the…

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Do You Dare?

Psalm 139:23 – Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! There is no relationship more personal, more intimate, than the relationship…

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Daring to Speak the Truth

The Gospel of Christ is becoming less accepted in America…

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President’s Today Schedule – July 6, 2020

No Events

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Herd Immunity May Be Closer Than Predicted

Researchers in Europe evaluate encouraging data on COVID-19. International researchers and mathematicians are considering the rates of transmission and levels of social activity in recently released studies. Their…

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Increase in COVID-19 Cases Gives States Pause

Arizona, Florida, and Texas issue mandates for facemasks. Dr. Fauci expressed concern regarding the 51,200 new confirmed U.S. COVID-19 cases late last week. With the increased rates of…

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Chad Wolf, Dept. of Homeland Security

Today we pray for Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. His agency works to protect the United States and ensure the safety of U.S. citizens. We pray that God…

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