Lanny Erdos, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement.

Lanny Erdos is Acting Director of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. His office works to ensure land previously used for mining is returned to a productive…

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Jul 9th

Heavenly Father, as we face these days we trust in you and know that your love conquers all. We ask for the strength and wisdom to endure the…

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No Asylum for Those from High-Risk Countries

It is the latest immigration move by the president’s administration. A joint proposal was released Wednesday by the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department that would…

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COVID-19 Fatalities Continue to Decline

HHS evaluating renewal of national health emergency. According to mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deaths attributable to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 have decreased…

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U.S. to Withdraw from WHO

President cites Chinese officials’ inaccurate reporting as reason for departure. President Trump’s Administration announced on Wednesday that it would be withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO) in…

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Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran

“The question we ask on behalf of the American people is, what is the best means to prevent Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon, and the answer is not the JCOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action],” America’s Special Representative to Iran said.

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Jeff Fortenberry U.S. Representative for Nebraska

The months of dealing with COVID-19 have served as a glimpse into the daily burden of patients with rapidly progressing terminal diseases like ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Representative Jeff Fortenberry wrote in an op-ed.

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Judge Timothy Kelly, District of Columbia U.S. District Court

A Trump Administration rule that barred most migrants from receiving asylum at the southern border with Mexico was struck down by a federal judge.

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Know the Power of God

Job 12:23 – He makes nations great. Can you describe how powerful God is? Even to undertake a description of His power in creation is daunting.  The Bible…

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Thursday, July 9

President Donald Trump will participate in a round table with Hispanic leaders and sign an executive order on the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative this afternoon. Two years…

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