Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source thousands of Americans have turned to for encouragement and inspiration to pray for America’s leaders.
We are a national ministry dedicated to a focused mission of encouraging, inspiring and praying for our president and national and military leaders. We also seek to be a catalyst in the development of a robust prayer lifestyle, by providing tools to encourage prayer – through email, web, mobile phones and other communication tools. Ultimately, we believe that prayer will transform our nation, one heart at a time.
We believe that Almighty God rules over the affairs of men and moves in response to the prayers of His people. So, with unflinching devotion, members of The Presidential Prayer Team are working every day to raise the shield of prayer over our president and national leaders.
As you join us, you become part of the largest group of intercessors in America, and we’ll provide you with an extensive variety of tools and resources to assist and support your prayer life.
Purpose, Beliefs, and Mission
The Presidential Prayer Team exists to provide a consistent urging toward prayer for the president and leadership of the United States of America, for all who have the Spirit of the Living God active in their hearts. This rises from a few beliefs which form our core values:
We believe that prayer is effective, and is a gift given to us by God to affect Him in this world. Thus, we value prayer in general, as means to accomplish the will of God in this country.
We believe that the Apostle Paul’s “urging” for us to offer “prayers, petitions, intercession, and thanksgiving for all people: for kings and all those in authority,” is an urging from the heart of God, so that we may lead “quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness” (I Tim 2:1-5). This leads us to value urging others to pray for our leaders.
We believe that empathy motivates people to pray. Thus, we value promoting understanding among our members, so that they find themselves wanting to pray.
We believe that our adversary is the Devil and his forces, and not people and their plans. Further, we believe that our adversary is actively attempting to undermine us. Thus, we value spiritual quickness to perceive the spiritual battle in which we are engaged.
We believe that hiring talented online ministers, who have various skills in the online delivery of motivational content, allows us to pioneer a highly specialized ministry on a digital frontier. This leads us to value talent-focused hiring.
As a non-denominational Christian ministry, The Presidential Prayer Team believes that the prayers of its members can transform the nation. We believe this because of four key things: God and the Bible as well as People and the Mission.
God and the Bible:
We believe there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and the redemptive and reconciling work of his sacrificial death and resurrection.
We believe in the Holy Spirit and His life-giving work in the world to fulfill the purposes of God.
We believe that God exists and that the Bible is His Word. It is the inspired Word of God and the only document to be vested with such divine authority. We believe its instructions and principles to be the guide of our individual lives.
What we believe is based on the Bible, but there are many important things in the Bible that may not be within the scope of our work.
We believe the work of evangelism and discipleship to be that of the church, and as such, it is not the primary mission of this ministry.
These values and this vision form the current mission of the Presidential Prayer Team:
Through strategic investments in staff and technology growth, we will expand the reach of The Presidential Prayer Team throughout the country to see us aggressively grow the active number of praying members of the Prayer Team.
We will consistently re-evaluate our activities to fine tune our efforts toward this growth projection. While content production will be important, we will increasingly focus on the tools needed to get more people to pray and keep them praying.
We will draw our membership into a relationship with us, always targeting having at least half of our members involved in some way beyond being passive recipients. This will include: sharing comments, engaging their friends to pray, giving a gift in a 12-month period, being an active giver, being a content contributor, being a major donor, and more.
The Presidential Prayer Team is a member of National Religious Broadcasters.
NRB is an international association of Christian communicators with more than 1,100 member organizations reaching millions of viewers, listeners, and readers. The Association exists to represent the Christian broadcasters’ right to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
Financial Accountability
The Presidential Prayer Team is firmly committed to good stewardship of funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively in Christ’s name. We are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is an American financial standards association representing evangelical Christian organizations which qualify for tax exempt͕ non-profit status and receive tax-deductible contributions.
Charity Navigator is America’s premier independent charity evaluator. They help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health and accountability and transparency of America’s largest charities.