Interior Department Weighs Oil Plan on Native Lands

Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs working together toward a solution The Interior Department released a public list of potential alternative sites for managing energy…

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Federal Report Rejects Dam Demolition

Destabilized Power Grid Overrules Protection of Endangered Salmon The Bureau of Reclamation, within the Department of the Interior, recently released a report stating that plans to remove several…

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Pacific Fleet

Navy Self-Quarantines Pacific Fleet

Remain at sea at least 14 days The U.S. Navy has ordered ships in the Pacific Ocean that have visited “countries with moderate or greater risk” of the…

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President Trump Addresses Virus Concerns

CDC calls for an increase in funding On Wednesday, President Trump addressed the press about concerns about the spread of the Corona Virus in the United States. To…

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President Appoints Defense Positions

Two Administration roles sent to Senate for confirmation The White House announced on Wednesday that President Trump had appointed two individuals to positions within the Defense Department.  Matthew…

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FDA, CDC Put Virus Treatment on Fast Track

Accelerating approval for experimental drugs White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow reported on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are…

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Judge Voids Oil and Gas Leases on Public Lands

Areas where sage grouse are found Idaho Federal Judge Ronald E. Bush voided five oil and gas leases on public lands, amounting to nearly a million acres, saying…

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Vice President to Lead Virus Task Force

HHS Secretary to testify before Congress On Wednesday, President Trump named Vice President Mike Pence to head the administration’s coronavirus task force. The vice president said, “My role…

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Senate Confirms New Deputy Secretary of the Interior

Kate MacGregor to promote the Department’s economic growth On Tuesday, the Senate voted 58-to-38 to confirm President Trump’s pick for Deputy Secretary of the Interior – Kate MacGregor.…

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Supreme Court Issues Three Opinions

All three decisions issued unanimously.  Wednesday saw the Supreme Court issue three unanimous decisions on the cases of Intel Corp. Investment Policy Comm. v. Sulyma, Holguin-Hernandez v. United…

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