President Calls for $2T Infrastructure Bill

“Phase 4” main focus would be jobs. On Tuesday, President Trump said the U.S. Congress should pass a $2 trillion spending plan to update the country’s roads, bridges…

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Field Hospital Constructed in NY Central Park

Javits Center also gets a transformation. As the USNS Comfort docked in New York Harbor Monday, residents were also greeted with a 68-bed respiratory care white-tented field hospital…

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Century-Old Vaccine Could Help Fight COVID-19

Immunization trials begin in Australia. A vaccine that has been widely used for about 100 years to prevent tuberculosis is being given to healthcare workers in Melbourne, Australia,…

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Report from Monday Coronavirus Task Force Briefing

“Challenging times are ahead,” the president says. The White House coronavirus task force convened another update on Monday as the magnitude of the disaster continues to expand and…

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President Recognizes National Doctors Day

“As one Nation, we pray…,” he said. President Trump recognized March 30 as National Doctors Day, praising “those who have collectively risen to the challenge of combating the…

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President Sends Letter to U.S. Governors

In it, he outlines COVID-19 plan and offers encouragement. On Thursday of last week, President Trump sent a letter to all of the nation’s governors to give a…

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Space Force Launches First Rocket into Orbit

Communications satellite was deployed successfully.  On Thursday, the U.S. Space Force celebrated its first successful tactical launch from Cape Canaveral delivering a communications relay satellite into orbit. The…

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No City Will Avoid the Outbreak, Dr. Birx Warns

The virus is expanding rapidly. Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the president’s coronavirus task force who is also the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, said in an interview,…

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Coronavirus Impact on Individual States

Rainy day funds nearly depleted and drastic budget cuts loom near. As state governors do their best to plan the future in the midst of crisis, it is…

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President Trump’s Coronavirus Briefing for Sunday

Federal guidelines extended to April 30th. Prior to the briefing of the task force, President Trump met in the Cabinet Room with the supply chain distributors who reported…

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