“Worst is Yet Ahead,” WHO Head Says

President Trump is redirecting WHO funding. The head of the World Health Organization, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyyes, told reporters in Geneva on Monday that “the worst is yet…

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Interior Department Announces Funding for Oregon Counties

$28 million for infrastructure, health, and education committed.  The Department of the Interior announced on Thursday of last week that $28 million would be distributed to 18 counties…

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President’s Coronavirus Update for Monday

Testing is vital to getting the country reopened. Testing for the coronavirus was again an uppermost topic at the president’s briefing with the coronavirus task force on Monday.…

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Senators Push for Anti-Bias Police Training

 Concerns surround unfair stops over medical masks.  Certain members of the Senate announced their plans to increase anti-bias training for the nation’s police forces on Friday, due to…

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Oil Prices Plummet to Negative Mark

Job losses grow as demand dries up. The price of U.S. oil has turned negative for the first time in history. That means oil producers are paying buyers…

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Bipartisan House Group Has Reopening Plan

Problem Solvers Caucus focuses on mass testing. A bipartisan group of 50 members of the House of Representatives has crafted a plan on what is needed to reopen…

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Small Business Stimulus Program Funds Nearly Gone

Additional funding of $250 billion being considered. According to the Senate Small Business Committee, funding for the stimulus program for small businesses had nearly run out as of…

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U.S.-Russia Diplomats Begin Discussions on START

The “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty,” first signed in 1991, could be extended. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, known as START, is a bi-lateral treaty between Russia and the…

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Tribes Protest as Keystone Pipeline Construction Resumes

Issue brought to federal judge during 4 hour hearing. On March 31, oil company TC Energy announced that they would be resuming construction on the greatly debated Keystone…

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Swiss Show Solidarity with U.S.

The Matterhorn lights up with American flag. The famous Matterhorn peak in the Swiss Alps was illuminated with an American flag this week in a show of solidarity…

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