White House Coronavirus Briefing for Wednesday

Focus increasing on minority communities, replenished funding in the works for small businesses. President Trump stated the coronavirus “may not come back at all,” although his public health…

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Speaker Pulls Plug on House Remote Voting

Rules Committee had submitted nine-page plan. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has told majority leaders to back off plans to consider unprecedented rule changes to allow members…

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President Orders Destruction of Iranian Fastboats

Iranian military vessels have been harassing U.S. Navy. On Wednesday, President Trump directed the U.S. Navy to destroy Iranian military vessels that conduct provocative maneuvers near U.S. ships…

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Kim Jong Un May be “Gravely Ill”

U.S. intelligence monitoring North Korean data. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un missed the massive national celebration on April 15 known as the “Day of the Sun,” that…

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Missouri Sues China

Lawsuit lays blame for pandemic at China’s feet. The State of Missouri is the first to file a lawsuit against China, accusing the country of being responsible for…

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House Could Vote Virus Money Thursday

More than half of Representatives could return to Washington. Majority Whip Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that more than half of the members of the U.S. House of…

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Coronavirus Task Force Briefing for Tuesday

Testing is vital to getting the country reopened. President Trump met with reporters in the White House Briefing Room on Tuesday. He began with love and prayers of…

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Travel Bans Extended with Canada and Mexico

President Trump promises additional immigration measures. As the economic ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic loom large in the mind of many officials in Washington, President Trump announced on…

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Senate Holds Extra Tuesday Session

Both parties seek to pass more COVID-19 aid On Tuesday, Senate leaders agreed to hold an unplanned meeting in order to pass the next round of COVID-19 aid.…

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FDA Authorizes Home Test-Sampling Kit

More testing could lead to getting local economies reopened. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first at-home COVID-19 virus sample-collection kits under an Emergency Use Authorization.…

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