States Scramble to Purchase Malaria Drug

Though it is no longer encouraged by the FDA as a treatment for the virus. State governments have reportedly been in bidding wars with each other over a…

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Native Tribes and Corporations Compete for Funding in Alaska

The Treasury’s position on relief fund distribution complicates situation. With the approval of President Trump’s $2.2 trillion stimulus package, Alaskan Native American tribes are eligible to receive funding…

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New York Retailer Charged with Price Gouging

First federal prosecution of price gouging during pandemic. Amardeep Singh stocked his warehouse with 5,000 face shields, 2,471 isolation suits, and 711,400 disposable medical gloves, and began marketing…

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President Trump Signs New Aid Package

 Bipartisan COVID-19 Relief Bill passed by Congress. On Friday, President Trump signed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act into law. The bi-partisan bill was passed…

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Supreme Court Issues Final Opinions of the Week

Three cases decided on Friday. The Supreme Court issued its opinions on three more cases on Friday, bringing the week’s total up to six. In the case of…

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Melania Trump Gifts 10 States With Medical Supplies

Blankets, caps, children’s books are part of the contribution. First Lady Melania Trump had both medical staff and children in mind when she donated medical supplies to hospitals…

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Congress Prepares for Debate Over State, Local Aid

Governors and local officials ask for funding. The $3 trillion in coronavirus relief passed by Congress was done in a rare run of a bipartisan spirit that now…

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Supreme Court Issues Opinions

Cases dealing with environmental protection and patent law decided.  The Supreme Court Issued their opinions in the cases of Thryv, Inc. v. Click-To-Call Technologies, LP, and Atlantic Richfield…

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China Refuses Lab Access

Secretary Pompeo had called for international inspectors. China has rejected calls by American officials to give international inspectors access to labs to make sure dangerous pathogens similar to…

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President’s Coronavirus Briefing for Friday

As testing increases and cases decrease, ventilators are being provided to other countries. President Trump opened by mentioning that sixteen states are showing a flattening of the line…

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