Justice Department Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

Questions arose about nature of investigation. On Thursday, the Justice Department moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that…

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Florida Wildfire Forces Evacuations of Hundreds

Situation called a “significant fire event” by Florida official. The Florida Panhandle is experiencing wildfires that have already destroyed dozens of homes and forced hundreds of people to…

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White House National Day of Prayer Service

President Donald Trump delivers remarks to the nation. Listen live as President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence address the nation from the White House at the…

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U.S. Opens Trade Discussions with Post-Brexit U.K.

Two nations seek trans-Atlantic free trade agreement.  President Trump’s administration announced on Tuesday that negotiations between the U.S. and the post-EU U.K. had begun. The U.S. Trade Representative…

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Senate Approves William Evanina as Intelligence Director

His nomination had been blocked nearly two years. By a vote of 84-7 on Wednesday, the Senate approved William Evanina to be Director of the National Counterintelligence and…

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President Trump Visits Mask Manufacturer

Ends self-imposed quarantine to travel to Arizona. On Tuesday, President Trump broke his several-week long self-quarantine in the White House in order to travel to Arizona to tour…

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Judge Reinstates NY Presidential Primary

State had cancelled voting over “unnecessary risk.” A judge on the U.S. District Court for New York’s Southern District granted a preliminary injunction and ordered the New York…

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Fifteen Children Hospitalized with Mystery Ailment in NYC

Some doctors say Kawasaki-like disease has potential links to COVID-19. Hospitals in New York City report they are treating 15 children showing symptoms often associated with Kawasaki disease,…

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U.S. and U.K. Launch Trade Negotiations

Policies will be navigated via video calls. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and U.K. International Trade Secretary Liz truss kicked off their video negotiations on trade talks on…

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First Ever Supreme Court Broadcast of Arguments

Oral arguments made via teleconference approved due to COVID-19 pandemic.  On Monday, the Supreme Court made history by broadcasting the live feed from their oral arguments for the…

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