President Announces New Stimulus for Farmers

Dramatic action totals $19 billion. Speaking from the White House earlier in the week, President Trump announced a new round of stimulus funds totaling $19 billion for American…

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Rubio Picked for Intelligence Committee Chair

Replacing Senator Richard Burr. Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that Senator Marco Rubio had been chosen to temporarily lead the Senate Intelligence Committee as…

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Doctors Warn of Continued Lockdown Dangers

They are observing negative consequences of shutdowns. Over 600 doctors signed a letter urging President Trump to end the nationwide coronavirus shutdowns and referred to orders issued by…

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Michigan Dams Rupture, Thousands Evacuate

Breaches caused by several days of heavy rain. Severe flooding struck central Michigan Wednesday after two dams were breached by rain-swollen waters, forcing the evacuation of around a…

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Executive Order Makes Deregulations Permanent

Order will cut much bureaucratic red tape. On Tuesday, President Trump announced he had signed a new executive order that aims to make hundreds of deregulations permanent in…

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U.S. and Canada Extend Travel Restrictions

Non-essential travel banned for another 30 days. The United States and Canada have agreed to extend a ban on non-essential travel between the two nations by another 30…

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Secretary Mnuchin Warns Unemployment Beneficiaries

Return to work if you are asked to, he urges. In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that individuals who reject…

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President Seeks 7.6% Payroll Tax Cut

The hope is it will help the economic pain caused by the coronavirus. White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow said Tuesday that President Trump wants to see a…

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Information on Pensacola Shooter Released

Gunman’s attack, tied to al-Qaida, planned months in advance. On Monday, officials at the FBI released information into the murder of three U.S. sailors at a military base…

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Operation Warp Speed Announced by President Trump

Seeks to have COVID-19 vaccine by January.  Late last week, President Trump announced the new initiative by the White House to focus resources to find a vaccine for…

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