Department of Education Rules in Title IX Question

Biological males are not permitted to compete in female sports. The Department of Education ruled last week that allowing biologically male athletes to compete in female events violates…

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White House Studying Additional Stimulus Options

Looking for ways to incentivize reopening phase. President Trump and his senior advisers plan to meet this week to review options for the next coronavirus relief package. The…

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President Signs Religious Freedom Executive Order

Order promotes religious freedom overseas. On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order on religious freedom. The full order has not yet been publicly released, but it is…

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Interior Department Announces Wetland Conservation Projects

Department sets aside $160 million for conservation The Department of the Interior announced on Thursday of last week that a new round of funding had been approved for…

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Secret Service Members Injured During Riots

President Trump taken to underground bunker for a time. Several Secret Service members were injured and President Trump was taken into a protective bunker on Sunday as the…

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DOJ Files Statement of Interest in Michigan Case

Governor’s orders against non-essential businesses unjustified. The Department of Justice has filed a Statement of Interest in a civil lawsuit regarding the lockdown order of Michigan’s Governor Gretchen…

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Former President Obama Speaks Out

“This shouldn’t be normal in 2020 America,” he said. Former President Barack Obama released a statement on the death of George Floyd. “It’s natural for us to wish for…

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President Delivers Remarks on National Unrest

He announced immediate steps being taken. Early Monday evening, President Trump made a few remarks from the White House Rose Garden. He began by decrying the events surrounding…

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Concern Over Foreign Influence During U.S. Unrest

White House adviser says hostile nations utilizing social media to stoke racial division. Robert O’Brien, the White House national security adviser, said foreign powers were trying to exploit…

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SpaceX Crew Dragon Docks with Space Station

Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken welcomed aboard International Space Station on their historic test flight mission. The spacecraft made its “soft capture” docking with the ISS after…

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