President Introduces New COVID-19 Adviser

Scott Atlas joined in on roundtable discussion on getting children back to school. President Trump hosted the “Kids First: Getting America’s Children Safely Back to School” event at…

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Administration Strikes Peace Deal Between Israel and UAE

Agreement will be called the Abraham Accord. An historic agreement between the United Arab emirates and Israel was announced Thursday morning by President Trump. The two nations have…

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Interior Announces Conservation Funding

Nearly $20 million to be invested over ten years. The Interior Department announced a new round of conservation funding on Tuesday as the Great American Outdoors Act was…

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U.S. Preparing Sanctions Against Corrupt Lebanese

Politicians and businessmen targeted to weaken Hezbollah. Officials in President Trump’s Administration are seeing an opportunity to drive a wedge between Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon. Anticorruption…

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U.S. Puts Kodak Deal on Hold

Camera company’s finances under higher scrutiny.  President Trump’s Administration announced on Tuesday that the proposed deal that would resurrect Kodak as a pharmaceutical company based in the United…

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Negotiators Remain “Miles Apart” Over Virus Relief

“It’s a chasm,” Speaker Pelosi said. Negotiations over additional coronavirus relief between the White House and lawmakers broke down last Friday and, so far, there are no signs…

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Interior Designates New National Park Acting Director

Announces Deputy Director for Operations retirement. The Interior Department announced that the Deputy Director for Operations David Vela would be retiring shortly. Mr. Vela has been serving as…

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HHS Secretary Holds China Responsible for COVID-19 Spread

American withdrawl from WHO continues. While on a trip to Taiwan to discuss the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex…

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Russia Releases Partially Tested COVID-19 Vaccine

Scientists warn of skipped Phase 3 trials. U.S. officials are urging caution concerning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement of the registration of a coronavirus vaccine. The State Department has also warned…

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U.S. Health Secretary Praises Taiwan on Visit

Island nation has succeeded in approach to coronavirus. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is in Taiwan on the highest-level visit to that nation by a…

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