President Receives Counteroffer from Drugmakers

At issue is the international pricing index. The pharmaceutical industry is pitching a counteroffer to the White House regarding President Trump’s plan to link Medicare’s spending on some…

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President’s Administration Reports Drug Busts

Over $19 million in narcotics seized. President Trump’s administration announced on Monday the results of the efforts of the Interior Department’s crackdown on illegal substances. In 2019 the…

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UN Turns Down U.S. Resolution on Iran

President Trump’s Administration pledges to keep going. The United States has appealed to the UN Security Council to reimpose all expiring UN sanctions on Iran. On Tuesday, the…

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Work Permits Tougher for Asylum Seekers

New rule requires one year wait time. Under a new rule, it will now be more difficult for asylum-seeking migrants to obtain work permits in the U.S. The…

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Senator Bill Cassidy Tests Positive for COVID-19

Will remain in quarantine for two weeks.  In a statement released last week Thursday, the office of Senator Bill Cassidy informed the public that Senator Cassidy had tested…

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House Passes USPS Legislation

Post Office voices concerns. In a rare weekend session of the House of Representatives, lawmakers passed a set of new laws targeted at assuring the U.S. Postal Service…

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Mint Director Asks for Help with Coin Shortage

Encourages use of exact change for purchases. In a video posted Monday on Twitter, the Director of the U.S. Mint, David Ryder, called for Americans to help fight…

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President Trump, Vice President Pence Accept Nominations

The convention’s roll call vote was a mere formality. In an in-person roll call vote at the Republican Party convention, President Donald Trump was officially renominated to represent…

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Unprecedented Double Storms to Hit Gulf Coast

Tropical Storm Marco weakens as Laura gains strength. Tropical Storm Marco briefly grew to hurricane strength Sunday before weakening again, but it is still one of two powerful…

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Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19 Approved by FDA

Operation Warp Speed credited with the accelerated timeline. President Trump announced during a press conference Sunday evening that the FDA has granted an emergency use authorization for convalescent…

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