Second Day of Senate Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

Judge Barrett pledges impartiality.  The Senate Judiciary Committee continued its probe into the life and work of Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Tuesday as both sides of the…

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Second Vaccine Trial Hits Pause

A serious adverse effect triggered pause in study. Johnson & Johnson announced it was pausing shots in the late-stage coronavirus vaccine trial due to an adverse event, but…

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Early Voting At Historic Levels

Being fueled by mail-in balloting. With three weeks remaining until Election Day, many states are already seeing historic levels of early voting as people cast their ballots through…

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Senate Begins Confirmation Hearings for Judge Barrett

Amy Coney Barrett promises fair approach as justice. The Senate began their confirmation hearings of President Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court on Monday. Judge Amy Coney Barrett…

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Federal Judge Upholds Minnesota Vote Counting Extention

Appeal of court decision planned.  On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Nancy Brasel upheld Minnesota’s decision to extend the amount of time absentee ballots could be counted after…

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Ninth Circuit Blocks Further Border Wall Construction

President’s invocation of emergency powers for funding was illegal, they say. On Friday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a 2019 district court summary judgment ruling that…

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COVID Antibody Treatment Expected by Year-End

Government is acquiring doses as they are manufactured. Hundreds of thousands of doses of experimental antibody treatments for COVID-19 have already been secured by the U.S. government in…

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WHO Discourages Lockdowns as COVID-19 Prevention

Health body reverses previous recommendation due to “economic consequences.” Earlier in the summer, the World Health Organization had warned of lifting lockdown measures too quickly. On Sunday, WHO…

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Federal Judge Denies Florida Voter Registration Extension

Judge shares voter frustration but makes “incredibly close call”. U.S. District Court Judge Mark E. Walker sympathized with the situation of voters in the state of Florida. There…

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Arrests Made in Plot to Kidnap Michigan Governor

Kidnappers charged with conspiracy while Governor Whitmer protected and supported. Late last week, the FBI announced that it had uncovered an elaborate plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen…

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