Federal Prosecutor Concludes DOJ Unmasking Probe

No wrongdoing found in the release of names by Obama Administration. The Justice Department announced earlier this week that U.S. Attorney John Bash had found no evidence of…

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President Trump’s Administration Continues Stimulus Talks

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says he is willing to negotiate his offer. The president’s administration announced Wednesday that it would be willing to increase the total cost of a…

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FCC to Clarify Section 230 of Communications Act

Social media have no right to special immunity, chairman says. On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said the agency will seek to regulate social media platforms…

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President Prays for ‘Wisdom and Grace’ to Lead Country

“We know that God hears our prayers,” he declared. In a telephone call with evangelical leaders on Wednesday, President Trump thanked everyone who prayed for him after recovering…

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Senate Sets Voting Dates on Barrett Nomination

Committee will vote October 22; full Senate October 23. Rejecting a motion to delay proceedings until after the election, the Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled October 22 to advance…

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Supreme Court Allows Administration to End Census

Count will stop October 15.  The Supreme Court announced on Tuesday that it would be upholding the Trump Administration’s plan to end the count of the 2020 census…

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Hackers Penetrated Election Systems, FBI Says

No evidence that election data has been compromised. In a joint statement, the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said hackers, possibly nation-state actors, have penetrated…

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Day Three for Supreme Court Nominee Barrett

Testimony of witnesses begins Thursday. On Wednesday, Judge Amy Coney Barrett faced the third and last day of giving her testimony in the hearings for her nomination to…

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Speaker Signals Progress on Relief Talks

Secretary Mnuchin doubts a deal will be reached before the election. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a productive discussion about the coronavirus relief…

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Supreme Court Hears Two Cases

Cases deal with rape prosecution in the military and bankruptcy law.  On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases of The United States v. Briggs…

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