Supreme Court Overturns Stay of Federal Execution

 Eighth federal execution to be carried out this year. A judge had ordered a stay on the execution of Orlando Hall, expressing concerns over the humaneness of the…

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Wrigley Field Designated as a National Historic Landmark

Interior Department recognizes home of the Chicago Cubs as a national treasure. The Interior Department announced on Thursday that Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs has been…

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Infection Rate Surges Across the Nation

U.S. COVID-19 fatalities pass quarter million. More than 250,000 American lives have reportedly been claimed by the COVID-19 virus, according to the latest estimates from Johns Hopkins University…

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COVID-19 Antibody Treatment Cleared for Emergency Use

Health and Human Services commits to placing drug where needed most. The Food and Drug Administration cleared the experimental antibody treatment developed by Eli Lilly for emergency use…

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New Rules from Administration Aim at Drug Prices

Rules can go into effect right away. President Trump announced Friday that his administration was issuing two new rules that are aimed at lowering drug prices for the…

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Secretary Mnuchin Wants Grants for Main Street

There are CARES Act funds available for Congress to reallocate. The Federal Reserve’s key pandemic lending programs expire on December 31.  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Congress should…

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President’s Campaign Lawyers Discuss Legal Challenges

There was “massive fraud,” said Rudy Giuliani. At a press conference on Thursday, the legal team representing the campaign of President Donald Trump described the case for its…

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Georgia Completes Hand Retally of Election Results

Former Vice President Biden wins by slim margin. Following six days of a hand audit of Georgia ballots in the 2020 election, the Georgia secretary of state’s office…

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Congress Considering Next Round of Aid for Americans

12 million Americans to lose unemployment benefits the day after Christmas. 12 million Americans are set to lose their emergency jobless benefits on December 26 if no further…

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House Majority Nominates Pelosi to Remain Speaker

Vote to take place in January. Members of the majority in the House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to nominate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for what would be…

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