Congress Considering Next Round of Aid

December 26 deadline for 12 Million jobless Americans draws closer. 12 million Americans are set to lose their emergency jobless benefits on December 26, if no further action…

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President Consents to Preliminary GSA Transition Protocols

Biden team forges ahead with nominations and appointments. President Trump and his officials gave the go-ahead for preliminary transition protocols to proceed to the team of former Vice…

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U.S. Provides Weapons to the Philippines

Promises to continue to defend island nation. The United States announced on Monday that it intended to continue to protect the island nation of the Philippines against foreign…

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Schools are Safe Places for Kids, says CDC Director

Decision to close schools due to virus not backed by data, Redfield said. At a recent White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Federal Agencies Collaborate to Protect Aquatic Resources

Interior Department working to reduce mussels and other other invasive species. Last week, the Department of the Interior announced a new effort dubbed A Memorandum of Understanding between…

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President Trump to Pardon Turkeys

Corn and Cob received celebrity welcome to White House. Keeping with tradition, President Trump welcomed two turkeys to the White House Sunday. They were greeted by a red…

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HUD Secretary Recovers from COVID-19

Credits experimental antibody treatment taken by President Trump. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson had contracted COVID-19 earlier this month. After initial treatments mitigated but…

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U.S. Withdraws from “Open Skies” Treaty with Russia

America now more secure, Secretary Pompeo says. On Sunday, the State Department issued a release that says the U.S. has executed its right to withdraw from the “Treaty…

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Energy Department Considers Nuclear Test Reactor Location

Idaho strongly considered, Tennessee in the running. The U.S. Department of Energy is currently developing what it has dubbed the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR). The department hopes that…

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Two Senators Test Positive for COVID-19

Both staying at home while recovering from the virus.  On Friday, both Senators Rick Scott and Chuck Grassley announced that they had tested positive for COVID-19. Senator Grassley…

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