China Launches Mission to Moon

The plan is to return with rock samples. On Tuesday morning, China launched the Chang’e-5 spacecraft to collect and bring back to Earth samples from the surface of…

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Education Secretary Unveils Portal for CARES Act Funds

Allows transparency regarding education funding alloted under COVID-19 legislation. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently announced the launch of a portal that shows the utilization rate of billions…

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President Nominates and Appoints Key Positions

Roles include State Department, U.S. Marshal, and National Science Board. President Donald Trump has announced the intention to nominate or appoint the following individuals to government roles: Major…

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More Countries Join Clean Network

State Department announces 53 nations now members of the international alliance. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith Krach recently announced the addition…

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Lawmakers Close to Spending Deal

Needed to avert December 12 shutdown. A deal between Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby of Alabama and House Appropriations Chairwoman Nita Lowey of New York seems on the horizon,…

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Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Further Election Certification

Ruling temporarily blocks further action on certifying election results. A judge in Pennsylvania issued an order temporarily preventing the state from taking any further actions to certify the…

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President Remarks on the Dow Jones Reaching 30k

First time the stock market has gone so high. On Tuesday this past week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average exceeded previous records, ending above 30,000 for the first…

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President Trump Pardons General Flynn

District judge had failed to dismiss case, even though ordered to do so. On Wednesday, President Trump announced a full pardon for Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, bringing to…

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School Systems Seeing Increased Failure Rates

Virtual learning is less than effective. School districts across the nation are reporting increased rates of failure from virtual learning. One Virginia district reported the percentage of failing…

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Surgeon General Expresses Concern over Thanksgiving Travel

Urges avoidance of holiday gatherings. The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams made a call to Americans to avoid all large gatherings during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He…

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