Senate Confirms Transportation Secretary

His agenda includes rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. Pete Buttigieg, a 39-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has been confirmed by the Senate to be Transportation Secretary. He…

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Senate Confirms Homeland Security Secretary

First Latino immigrant to hold key Cabinet post. Alejandro Mayorkas was confirmed as Secretary of Homeland Security on Tuesday. His confirmation came on a 56-43 vote, at a…

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President Considers Sanctions Against Myanmar

Expresses concerns over the military removal of government leader. In the wake of the military taking control of Myanmar and detaining the leaders of its civilian government, President…

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COVID Variant Spreads to 32 States

CDC reports new strain from UK is “more transmissible.” Rochelle Walensky, the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the COVID-19 variant from the…

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Defense Department Pledges to Protect Service Members

Pentagon reverses course on vaccinating Guantanamo Bay prisoners. Over the weekend the Pentagon announced that it would roll back its plan to begin vaccinating prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.…

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President Meets with Senators on Virus Aid

Lawmakers propose one-third stimulus that President Biden supports. As the first month of 2021 came to a close with no new stimulus payments approved since December, President Biden…

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Secretary of State Blinken Discusses Iran

Administration wants “longer and stronger” deal with Iran. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned that Iran could be a “matter of weeks” away from having enough fissile material…

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Defense Secretary Visits Guard Troops at Capitol

Calls increase for them to go home. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visited troops from the National Guard who are protecting the Capitol. He spoke to them from the building’s…

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U.S. and Japan Strengthen Alliance

State and Defense Departments support president’s stance. The president’s administration recently agreed to strengthen the bilateral alliance with Japan as a counterbalance to actions by the People’s Republic…

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Putin Re-Signs Russia-U.S. Arms Treaty

 START will be in force for another 5 years. President Biden negotiated the first re-signing of the START treaty while serving as vice president in 2010. The renewed…

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