Senate Sets Speedy Impeachment Trial Timeline

Bipartisan leaders agree to schedule. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that leaders of both major parties in the U.S. Senate have agreed to a timeline for the…

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Supreme Court Allows Indoor Worship in California

Permits certain restrictions while lifting others. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled late last week that California churches could resume meeting indoors. The divided decision still allows for the…

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Interior Resumes Offshore Wind Energy Review Process

New Project would double the current output.  The Department of the Interior announced on Monday that under President Biden’s administration, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) would…

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Border Agents Release Migrants into the U.S.

Border is not open, Secretary Blinken says. In a reversal of the policies of recent years, migrant families who have crossed into the U.S. illegally are being released,…

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President Discusses Foreign Relations

Iran and China were part of President Biden’s pre-Super Bowl interview. It has become tradition for America’s president to sit with a television interviewer prior to the Super…

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Representative Ron Wright Dies of COVID

Other conditions placed him in a high-risk category. Representative Ron Wright of Texas died from complications of COVID-19 on Sunday, after having tested positive for the virus on…

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Most Advanced U.S. Naval Destroyer Deployed to Japan

Supports U.S. priority on securing Indo-Pacific region. The USS Rafael Peralta has arrived in Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan, as part of the priority of the U.S. to uphold…

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Commerce Department Reports Trade Deficit

Reaches a twelve year high due to pandemic. The Commerce Department released its report on the status of the U.S. trade this past Friday. The gap between U.S.…

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President Discusses Moving COVID Relief Forward

Lays out plan to circumvent opposition. This past Friday, President Joe Biden gave a speech, communicating to the American people that he considers drafting a COVID relief bill…

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President Seeks Solutions to Reopen Schools

Multiple cities resist guidance to reopen in-person learning. The president’s administration has pledged to reopen schools within his first 100 days in office. However, city mayors and local…

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