President’s Administration to Distribute 25 Million Masks

Masks will arrive in low-income communities that lack strong health infrastructure.  On Wednesday, the White House announced that the president’s administration would be distributing 25 million masks to…

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Congress Holds Candlelit Coronavirus Memorial

Observe moment of silence and listen to hymn to honor those lost. On Tuesday evening, members of Congress gathered on the steps of the Capitol building to observe…

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Equality Act Vote Slated for Today in House

Would restrict religious protections and expand them for gender identity. H.R. 5, a carryover from the 116th Congress, also known as the Equality Act, is scheduled for a…

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Security Leadership Testify on Capitol Unrest

Point to missed intelligence for events of January 6th. On Tuesday, members of the Capitol security leadership teams testified before Congress to provide an explanation for the breakdown…

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U.S. and Israel Reconvene Iran Strategy Group

First round of talks expected in the near future. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have sharply different views of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, from…

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President Holds COVID-19 Memorial

Calls on Americans “Not to become numb” to fatalities. On Monday, President Biden and Vice President Harris addressed the nation to grieve for the 500,000 people who have…

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House Plans Vote on COVID Bill Friday

$1.9 trillion legislation intended to stimulate the economy. The House Rules Committee published the new coronavirus relief bill text on Wednesday. It includes three new categories of spending…

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President Orders Critical Minerals Supply Review

Agencies are to identify risks to supply chains. President Biden is signing an executive order on Wednesday that directs federal agencies to determine vulnerabilities in U.S. supply chains,…

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Another Stimulus Package to Follow $1.9T

“Need to go further,” says Senator Schumer. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan package is expected to pass the House of Representatives this week. The Senate will vote…

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EPA Sends Resources to Restore Texas’ Drinking Water

Assistance comes as the state works to recover from severe winter storm. The Environmental Protection Agency has sent personnel and resources to Texas to assess and assist in…

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