Senate Extends Paycheck Protection Program

Small businesses may apply for loans through May. On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation extending the small-business program created last year by Congress. They voted 92-7 to extend…

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President Biden Holds First Press Conference

Pledges to do what it takes to move his agenda forward.  On Thursday, President Biden held the first press conference since being inaugurated. Journalists asked a wide variety…

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Supreme Court Rules in Excessive Force Case

Suit against law enforcement involves Fourth Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled 5-3 that police can be sued for using excessive force, even when it fails to stop someone…

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Migrant Children Housed at Military Bases

DOD approves request from HHS to use Texas bases. The Pentagon approved the first of what is expected to be a series of requests to house migrant children…

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Vice President Calls For Gun Control

Places support behind universal background checks. As the nation experienced another incident of gun violence in Colorado, Vice President Harris urged Congress and the nation to pass new…

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Bald Eagle Population Quadruples Since 2009

Interior Secretary calls for cooperation to preserve the nation’s natural heritage. The Interior Department announced on Wednesday that the American bald eagle has continued to make a remarkable…

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14 States Sue Administration Over Oil and Gas Leases

President’s halt of the leases for climate review being challenged. A coalition of thirteen states has brought a lawsuit in federal court regarding the president’s halt on new…

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Education Secretary Reports Survey Findings

Reopening of schools making progress. On Wednesday, Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona released a statement regarding the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2021 School Survey. The…

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Fed Chairman Gives Congress Economic Forecast

Describes the current state of affairs as “much improved.” On Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell sat before Congress to give an up-to-date forecast of the nation’s economy.…

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Debate Begins on Infrastructure

Administration’s $3 trillion proposal would target education, infrastructure, climate, and workforce development.  President Biden met privately with members of Congress on Monday to discuss his administration’s upcoming $3…

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