CDC Releases Pandemic Drug Overdose Data

Nearly 30% higher than the previous year. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics has reported preliminary numbers on deaths as a result of drug overdoses from October…

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Legislators Reintroduce Anti-First Strike Bill

Bill would convert nuclear arsenal to defensive tool only.  Last Thursday, lawmakers reintroduced legislation to prevent the United States from using nuclear weapons in a first-strike attack. Senator…

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President Meets with Lawmakers about Infrastructure Plan

Gathers former governors and mayors for input as well. On Monday, President Biden met with members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle to discuss his…

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Green New Deal for Public Housing Act Introduced

Legislation is sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Legislation to overhaul the nation’s public housing stock, which would cost up to $172 billion, was introduced…

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President Orders Changes in Border Terminology

Need to safeguard dignity and well-being of all, he said. On Monday, the president’s administration ordered departments to change the terms used to describe immigration matters, including how…

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NASA’s Mars Helicopter Takes Flight

Robot successfully took off and landed on Red Planet. Being classified by some as a Wright Brothers 21st century fete, NASA’s miniature robot helicopter Ingenuity performed a successful…

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DOE Announces Funding to Decarbonize Vehicles

SuperTruck initiative main item of development. The Department of Energy announced this week the expansion of their program to develop electric-powered engines suitable for freight trucking. Over $162…

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White House Funds COVID-19 Variant Tracking

$1.7 billion will be used to set up a national network. On Friday, the White House announced the installation of a national network to track the ever-emerging mutations…

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Interior Sets Council on Native American Affairs Meeting

White House Council will seek to address issues relations to COVID-19. The Interior Department announced the upcoming date of April 23 for the first meeting of the White…

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CDC Reports 30% of U.S. Adults Fully Vaccinated

Serious illness rare in fully vaccinated individuals. With roughly half the adult population having received at least one dose, the United States is advancing its vaccination efforts as…

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