Senate Debates Elections Bill

Rules committee in a stalemate on next steps. On Tuesday, members of the Senate Rules Committee began discussion of the For the People Act, a voting rights bill…

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Highest Number of Open Jobs in U.S. History

President calls for renewing job search requirements for those receiving unemployment.  On Tuesday, the Department of Labor released its Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, which contains the…

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White House Responds to Rocket Attacks on Israel

Primary U.S. focus is de-escalation. On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki relayed President Biden’s “serious concerns” over ongoing rocket attacks by Hamas and other groups against…

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President Reinstates Transgender Protections

Basing decision on Supreme Court ruling regarding Title VII. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Monday that it was ending policy of the previous…

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Presidential Remarks on Mother’s Day

President and First Lady reflected and sent well wishes.  On Sunday, President Biden wished the mothers of America a happy Mother’s Day and honored the memory of his…

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President Joins Virtual Eastern NATO Summit

Security for Ukraine is at the top of the president’s agenda. A virtual summit of Eastern European NATO states is being held in the Romanian capital Bucharest Monday.…

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Top U.S. Fuel Pipeline Down for 4th Day

Hackers claim to just want money, not to create problems. The Colonial Pipeline, which transports nearly half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies, has been hit  by one…

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U.S. Navy Seizes Arms Shipment

Vessel in Arabian Sea believed to be headed for Yemen. On Sunday, the U.S. Navy reported the seizure of an arms shipment that was likely bound for Yemen.…

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April Employment Falls Short of Expectations

Job search requirements suspended for collectors of unemployment during pandemic. In the report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, it said the economy added fewer…

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Vice President Meets with Mexican President

Enlisting help to tackle the southern migration issue at its source. On Friday, Vice President Harris met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to discuss ways that…

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