Transportation Department Wants More Speed Cameras

It will issue grants from infrastructure funds.  The Department of Transportation received $6 billion out of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed by Congress to issue grants to…

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Navy Appeals Order to Drain Fuel Tanks in Hawaii

Leak in November had contaminated local drinking water. In December, the state of Hawaii issued an order for the U.S. Navy to immediately drain underground fuel tanks at…

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Bureau of Land Management to Raise Oil Lease Royalties

Accidentally released plans are currently in draft form. The Interior Department announced on Thursday that an unfinalized new royalty rate for oil and gas leases on federal lands…

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Bill to Block Legislator Stock Trading Introduced

Senator Ben Sasse sees “Ethics Reform Act” as chance to reestablish the public’s trust in Congress. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska reintroduced a bill called the Ethics Reform…

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Secretary Cardona Lays Out Education Game Plan

Looking beyond the pandemic. U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona gave an address last week that outlined his vision for educational leadership moving forward. He stressed that merely…

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DOT Publishes Funding Opportunity through RAISE Grants

 $1.5 billion will be available for significant construction projects. The U.S. Department of Transportation published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) last week that made $1.5 billion in…

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Senator Luján Recovering from Stroke

Evenly divided Senate delays some business until his return. Senator Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico suffered a stroke a week ago and subsequently underwent surgery to ease…

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President Promotes Civility at National Prayer Breakfast

He said unity is elusive but necessary. The 70th Annual National Prayer Breakfast was held Thursday at the National Capitol Visitor Center, a smaller venue with a smaller…

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Jobs Report Exceeds Expectations

Labor Department reports 467,000 added in January. The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the addition of 467,000 jobs to the economy in January. The numbers far outpaced the…

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Secretary Blinken Celebrates 19 Years of AIDS Relief

Encouraged by data-driven impact of global AIDS program. Last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken celebrated the 19th anniversary of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).…

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