NHTSA Administrator Confirmed by Senate

Dr. Steven Cliff will head national road safety agency. On Friday, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced the confirmation of  Dr. Steven Cliff as the 16th Administrator of the…

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Interior Department Investing in Orphaned Wells

Hundreds of wells to be addressed in parks, forests, and wildlife refuges. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management has announced that the agency will invest in…

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Build America Bureau Financing Rural Road Safety Projects

The funding will support eight Oklahoma counties’ infrastructure projects. The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced financing for 49 percent of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Rural…

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Sanctions Placed on Supporters of North Korea’s Missile Programs

North Korea tested nearly two dozen missiles this year. The U.S. Treasury Department has announced the placing of sanctions against an individual, two banks, and a trading company…

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Administration Announces Railroad Infrastructure Grants

Funding could help inflation in shipping business.  President Biden’s administration announced Thursday that it will be providing more than $368 million in railroad infrastructure grants Among the projects…

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Federal Investigators Reviewing Baby Formula Shortage

They question if FDA followed recall processes.  Last week, legislators questioned officials from the Food and Drug administration over what they viewed as a lack of urgency in…

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White House to Begin Paying Interns

Fall interns to be paid $750 per week. The White House announced on Thursday that starting this fall, they will begin paying their interns for their work during…

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DOJ Indicts Correctional Officers for Assault

Attempted to cover up physical assault of inmate. The Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted three federal correctional officers a week ago for the assault of an inmate and…

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Oil Smuggling Network Designated by U.S. Treasury

Estimated to be funneling hundreds of millions to militant Islamic terrorists. Last month, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) within the U.S. Treasury Department designated an international…

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