Senate Committee Split on ATF Director Nominee

Question of Senate vote taken up by Senate itself. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-11 to advance President Biden’s nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,…

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FBI Investigating Attacks on Pregnancy Centers

A particular group has vandalized pro-life clinics. The FBI announced it is investigating recent attacks on pro-life clinics as potential acts of domestic terrorism. A group, known as Jane’s…

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NHTSA Finds 400 Auto-Pilot Driving Crashes

Emerging trends and lack of data have the administration concerned. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released statistics showing that 400 crashes in the last 10…

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Attorney General Endorses Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill

Senate negotiations still underway. Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland responded positively to what he has seen of the bipartisan Senate gun-safety proposal. “We do think that at…

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Administration Working to Revise Racial Classifications

Chief statistician initiating a formal review. The chief statistician of the federal government, Karin Orvis, published information on Wednesday regarding the formal review her office is initiating of…

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Vice President Inaugurates Online Harassment Task Force

Administration finds strong tie between online abuse and violence. On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris launched a task force dedicated to curbing online harassment. The administration has discovered…

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President Signs Ocean Shipping Bill

Bill intended to curb inflation and ease the export backlog.  Bipartisan legislation to improve oversight of ocean shipping was signed by President Biden Thursday. The president had earlier…

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Yellowstone National Park Closed Due to Flooding

Communities evacuated and entrances closed during floods. For the first time in 34 years, the National Park Service (NPS) announced the total closure of Yellowstone National Park this…

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Secretary Yellen to Visit Rosebud Sioux Tribe

The first time any Treasury Secretary visits Tribal nation. The Treasury Department has announced that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will be visiting the Rosebud Sioux Tribe next week.…

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Senators Introduce Taiwan Policy Legislation

Bill seeks to define commitment against Chinese aggression.  Bipartisan legislation was introduced in the Senate on Friday to overhaul U.S. policy toward Taiwan, defining key American commitments to…

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