In little more than a decade, immigration will change the nation’s population size, race-ethnic make-up, its age structure, and its future.
Read MoreVital Signs
Election Integrity
How can the quarreling colonists be brought under a unified government? The question is as appropriate now as it was in 1787 at the Constitutional Convention.
Read MoreGovernment Spending
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.” –John Adams, the 2nd president of the United States, 1826.
Read MoreEntitlement Programs
“All faith traditions follow a similar directive to honor father and mother and to care for widows and orphans. Social Security is a modern-day manifestation of our commitment to care for the last, the least, and the lost.”
Read MoreEconomic Security
“Sound macroeconomic policies enhance the credibility of the government and strengthen the political institutions. This credibility is vital for economic stability”
Read MoreReligious Freedom
History teaches that any restriction, prejudice, or persecution toward religious groups, if not contained, will quickly spread.
Read MoreNews Media And Bias
Even when ethical standards of truth and accuracy are employed, modern journalism still easily strays from objectivity. Spin has crept into news media.
Read MoreNational Defense
President Ronald Reagan warned in farewell address, “I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit. Let’s start with some basics: more attention to American history…”
Read MoreLaw and Order
What we are seeing in America is mob rule because some elected leaders capitulate to a mob. Until citizens hold them accountable at the ballot box, America’s system of government is doomed.
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