Voting to Save Your Rights

Can we protect the liberties and rights of all Americans for generations to come? PRAY FIRST for America’s leaders and judges to act righteously and seek to guarantee…

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Are Farmers Facing Impossible Regulations?

Heavy regulations on farmers in America cause a lot of uncertainty about the future. PRAY FIRST for American farmers and their families. Their work directly impacts market prices,…

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Will the Supreme Court Decide the Election?

States evaluate if former President Donald Trump is allowed to stay on the ballot. PRAY FIRST that Americans and all in leadership would seek God’s perfect truth and…

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“Voters See Election Cheating Everywhere”

Protecting the election process is everyone’s responsibility. PRAY FIRST that Christians will be examples of achieving goals by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with the Lord…

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The True Cost of the Green Agenda

Is the climate agenda a bigger threat than climate change itself? PRAY FIRST that God would give you clarity of understanding and wisdom on your personal approach to…

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Is the Education System Failing America’s Children?

Many parents worry about indoctrination in the public educational system and seek refuge in private schools. PRAY FIRST that God would work in and through America’s educational system…

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Hate and bigotry – A Scheme to Divide America

Is Antisemitism a threat to the survival of our nation? How should you pray? PRAY FIRST that God would turn the hearts of Americans toward loving His Chosen…

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What’s ahead for U.S. currency? Paper, digital, gold…or?

 Is the United States currency about to undergo significant change? Are you ready? PRAY FIRST for God to be at work in the hearts and minds of federal…

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Federal Showdown or Shutdown?

 Congress is facing a budget crisis again. What’s going on here? PRAY FIRST that God’s will may be accomplished through the federal budget and the programs it funds. …

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What’s Dividing the Nation? Follow the Money

 National protests are more well-organized and well-funded than previously thought. PRAY FIRST for God to reveal the truth behind the scenes of the American political machine.  The First…

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