Tough Economy Forcing Many into Side-Jobs

Economic volatility is forcing workers into the gig economy, but are unemployment numbers the whole story?  PRAY FIRST for guidance in navigating these complexities, both individually and collectively,…

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Former President Trump’s New York Trial Results

What does former President Trump’s recent legal outcome mean for the rule of law and the coming election?  PRAY FIRST for Americans across the nation to seek God’s…

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Memorial Day: A Tribute to Sacrifice

How can we, as citizens, best honor and remember those who gave their lives in service to our nation?    PRAY FIRST for the many men and women who…

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Liberty vs. Oversight: The Struggle to Protect Citizens

Can America strike the balance of protecting freedoms and protecting citizens from those who would take advantage or do harm?    PRAY FIRST for the men and women who…

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American Healthcare: The Race to the Top

Are escalating healthcare costs in America becoming impossible to afford? PRAY FIRST for those in the federal government who create policies and set regulations on the healthcare industry…

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Election Integrity: Countdown to Election Day

Are we doing enough to protect the election process? PRAY FIRST for all candidates and election officials ahead of this year’s election as they work diligently to protect…

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The National Day of Prayer: America’s Sacred Tradition

Does the future of our nation truly depend on the prayers of God’s people? PRAY FIRST on this upcoming National Day of Prayer that our nation and all…

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Foreign Policy: Wars and Rumors of Wars

Are we seeing the beginning of the end times? PRAY FIRST for our nation’s leaders as they set policies that deal with foreign conflicts. I have said these…

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Electoral College: Outdated or Necessary

Should the Electoral College be protected, modified to meet modern needs, or abolished altogether? PRAY FIRST during this election year that God’s will would be accomplished and that…

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America’s Battleground for Affordable Housing

Will the next generation of Americans have a chance at home ownership? PRAY FIRST for our nation’s leaders as they grapple with the ongoing housing crisis. Trust in…

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