Teresa Payne, HUD

Teresa Payne is Acting Administrator for Manufactured Housing Programs and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ms. Payne’s office oversees consumer protection programs  for manufactured homes. We pray that God…

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Jeanne Wilson, DOL

Jeanne Wilson is the Acting Assistant Secretary for the Employee Benefits Security Administration. She provides assistance with health benefits and retirement benefits programs. We pray that God will…

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Lloyd Wood, Dept. of Commerce

Lloyd Wood is Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles, Consumer Goods, and Materials at the Department of Commerce. Mr. Wood oversees programs and strategies designed to boost U.S. Jobs…

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Dan Jorjani, Dept. of the Interior

Dan Jorjani is Principal Deputy Solicitor of the Interior Department. Mr. Jorjani provides advice, counsel and legal representation to the department. We pray that God will guide him as…

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Donald Washington, U.S. Marshals Service

Donald Washington is Director of the U.S. Marshals Service. He is responsible for all operations involving federal judicial security, fugitive apprehension, and witness security. We pray that God…

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Anthony Ornato, White House Dep. Chief of Staff for Operations

Anthony Ornato is White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. Mr Ornato assists the president by planning his overseas trips. We pray that God will guide him…

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Joseph Maher, DHS

Joseph Maher is Principal Deputy General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Maher advises the secretary and other senior leaders on a wide array of homeland…

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John Pallasch, Employment and Training Administration

John Pallasch is Assistant Secretary for the Employment and Training Administration. His office helps Americans achieve a path to good, family-sustaining careers. We pray that God will guide Mr.…

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General John Hyten, Joint Chiefs of Staff

General John Hyten is Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is the 2nd-highest ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces. We pray that God…

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Marie Royce, Asst. Sec. of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs

Marie Royce is Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. She leads the bureau that works to create mutual understanding between the people of the U.S.…

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