Thomas Walters, Law Enforcement Training Centers

Thomas J. Walters is Director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers. Mr. Walters helps move forward the department’s mission of working to train those who protect our homeland.…

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Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the most senior Associate Justice on the court, and is the second African-American to serve on the court. We pray that God…

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James Murray, U.S. Secret Service

James Murray is Director of the United States Secret Service. His agency conducts criminal investigations, and also protects U.S. political leaders, their families, and visiting heads of state or…

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Christopher Wray, FBI

Christopher Wray is Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He’s responsible for the day to day operation of our country’s primary federal law enforcement agency. We pray…

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Christopher Tuttle, Federal Financing Bank

Christopher Tuttle is Chief Financial Officer for the Federal Financing Bank. Mr. Tuttle leads the corporation that handles federal budget management issues for the United States. We pray…

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Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General

Merrick Garland is the U.S. Attorney General. He is the chief lawyer for the federal government of the United States. We pray that God will guide him as…

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Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Her office works to create jobs, promote economic growth, encourage sustainable development,  and block harmful trade practices of other nations. We pray that God…

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John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court

John Roberts is Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  As Chief Justice, he has significant influence over case selection, leads case discussion, and can choose who writes the court…

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Mary G. Ryan, Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax, and Trade Bureau

Mary G. Ryan is Administrator of the Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax, and Trade Bureau. Her office regulates and collects taxes on trade and imports of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms within…

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Brenda Mallory, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory leads the Council on Environmental Quality. Her office works closely with agencies and other White House offices on the development of environmental and energy policies and…

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