David Ryder, U.S. Mint

David Ryder is Director of the U.S. Mint.  He leads the organization responsible for the design, manufacturing, and distribution of precious metal and collectible coins, as well as national…

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Claire Murray, Associate Attorney General

Claire Murray is Associate Attorney General of the United States. She provides advice and assistance for policies relating to civil justice, law enforcement, and public safety. We pray…

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Debra Houry, CDC

Debra Houry is Director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the CDC. Dr. Houry leads research and science programs to prevent injuries and violence and…

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Katharine Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General

Katharine Sullivan is Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Justice Programs. Her department oversees more than $5 billion in grants and other resources to support…

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Katharine Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General

Katharine Sullivan is Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Justice Programs. Her department oversees more than $5 billion in grants and other resources to support…

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President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump is responsible for our country’s welfare, prosperity, and safety, and is Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces. We pray that God will guide him each day…

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Jerome Adams, U.S. Surgeon General

Jerome Adams is the Surgeon General of the United States. As Surgeon General, he leads the office overseeing matters of public health in our country. We pray that…

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Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heads up the Department of State, and is a member of the President’s cabinet. As Secretary, he focuses on United States foreign policy. We…

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Jeffrey Rosen, Acting Attorney General

Jeffrey Rosen is Acting United States Attorney General. Mr. Rosen is the highest ranking official in the Department of Justice, and oversees the department’s day-to-day operations. We pray that…

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Robert O’Brien, National Security Advisor

Robert O’Brien is U.S. National Security Advisor. He is the principal adviser to the President of the United States on all national security issues. We pray that God will…

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