Admiral Jeffrey Trussler, Director of Naval Intelligence

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force operates under the Director of Naval Intelligence and is set to release some of its UFO findings publicly within the next five months.

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General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, said the U.S. has “much work to do” regarding racism.

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Major General Bill Mullen, Marine Corps Training & Education Command

The Marine Corps has instituted some new training rules, among them being the quarantine of pre-boot-camp recruits.

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Admiral Craig Faller, Commander, U.S. Southern Command

Increased patrols of the Caribbean and Pacific are saving American lives, said Admiral Craig Faller in an interview from U.S. Southern Command headquarters in Miami.

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Rear Admiral Casey J. Moton, Program Executive Officer, Unmanned and Small Combatants

The Navy has plans to integrate unmanned vehicles into carrier strike groups by the end of this decade.

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Admiral Karl L. Schultz, Commandant of the Coast Guard

Large ships traversing the area around the Farallon Islands off the coast of San Francisco are being asked by the Coast Guard to slow down to avoid deadly collisions with blue whales, the largest animals on the planet.

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Ryan McCarthy, Secretary of the Army

The Army is open to renaming ten U.S. bases named for Confederate officers of the Civil War in response to numerous protests following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

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Lieutenant General Kevin Schneider, USAF, Commander, U.S. Forces Japan

“Through the course of the COVID crisis, we saw a surge of maritime activity” by China in the South China Sea, said Lieutenant General Kevin Schneider.

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General Stephen Townsend, Commander, Africa Command

The United States Africa Command says Moscow has deployed fighter jets to Libya to bolster Russian mercenaries that are supporting rebel commander Khalifa Haftar of the Libyan National Army.

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General Michael Garrett, Commander, U.S. Army Forces Command

The commander of U.S. Army Forces Command has visited West Point in advance of summer training sessions and new cadets coming in next month, inspecting the academy for its COVID-19 preparations.

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