Be Sensible

In no other time in history has today’s verse been more relevant. Everyone is bombarded constantly with messages…

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On February 3, 1998, Karla Faye Tucker was the first woman since the Civil War to be executed in the Texas prison system…

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Reruns and Renewals

Where do your thoughts come from? That age-old question is the essence of every philosophy and religion known to man…

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Release Your Anxiety

The body of an anxious person reacts in ways that can put an extra strain on their heart…

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Bullets or Seeds

The Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. has a small exhibit that contains the personal items found on Abraham Lincoln the night he was assassinated…

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Is It Revival Time?

“The times, they are a changing…” were lyrics to a Bob Dylan song from 1964, five and a half decades ago. He could have those words today…

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Little Birdies

Today’s verse may have given birth to the phrase, “A little birdie told me so.” The writer of Ecclesiastes gives a comical image…

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Quiet Space

Where is the quietest place on Earth? You might guess it’s deep down in a cave somewhere but actually it’s in Building 87 at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington…

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To announce his decision not to seek a third term, President George Washington presented his Farewell Address in a newspaper article on September 19, 1796…

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Check Your Words

Lizzie De Armond died in 1936, leaving an abundance of children’s hymns, recitations, exercises and more. In the early years of her womanhood, the cares and responsibilities of life crowded out…

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