One True God

Since the beginning in the Old Testament, the nation of Israel wavered between devotion to the Lord and pagan gods…

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First Chronicles 16 describes a beautiful scene where the nation of Israel rejoices together…

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Choosing a Side

Would you say you are known more for what you support or what you oppose? In a culture heavily charged along political lines…

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Victory is at Hand

You know it’s coming—the National Hurricane Center warned that it is 30 hours away, but it will be a direct hit…

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God Is Omnipotent

A group of 76 Nigerian Christians were taken captive and tortured by Boko Haram terrorists…

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Not So!

Have you ever had a “light bulb” moment? You’ve listened to someone’s explanation…

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If God CAN do anything then why doesn’t He just fix everything? This driving question…

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What God Says Goes

King Nebuchadnezzar found out how much control and power he had compared to the power God has…

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Consider It Done

How are things going for you today? You are fully two months into the year…

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His Creative Power

When astronaut Neil Armstrong was in space, he said, “It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth…

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