Priceless Heritage

The attack upon America’s Judeo-Christian foundation has been primarily organized from within the nation…

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Just Like God

Stuck smack in the middle of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is this command…

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His Story

From before the beginning of time and the creation of the world…

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In Training

Would you walk over and correct the child misbehaving in the cart next to yours…

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Do Your Part

Loneliness, fear, anxiety, confusion, financial distress… all these emotions can be brought on by widowhood…

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There are few celebrations in the world that can equal the coronation of a monarch…

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Finger Painting

In Psalm 8, David reveals that every molecule of creation points to God’s power…

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Getting to Know God

God wants you to know Him…

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What’s your favorite color? Your answer might change…

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Reason for Existence

“In the beginning, God…”

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