Interior Department Announces New Grants

Big Game corridors to be strengthened and protected.  The Department of the Interior announced on Thursday that a new $4.4 million grant had been created for the conservation…

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COVID-19 Deaths Surpasses 65,000 in U.S.

Number higher than anticipated. On Saturday, the reported number of deaths due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic reached a new milestone of 65,000. While the White House had…

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Saturday, May 2

President Donald Trump is staying at Camp David this weekend. This is his first trip outside of Washington, D.C., since the beginning of social distancing at the end…

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What’s your favorite color? Your answer might change…

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Day 6

Day 6 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10 Heavenly Father, purge my sins, make me white…

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Electricity System Protections Under New Executive Order

Security is “imperative,” Energy Secretary says On Friday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order intended to protect the American electricity system from cyber and other attacks. “It…

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More than 15,000 Nursing Homes to Get PPE

FEMA will make first shipments starting next week. The Trump Administration will send a two-week supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) to more than 15,000 nursing homes, which…

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Unemployment Up, Consumer Spending Down

Another 3.8 million Americans filed for unemployment last week. While the pace of unemployment filings has slowed since its peak in late March, the number of workers who…

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NASA Awards Moon Spacecraft Contracts

Companies have until February 2021 to refine concepts. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said they have awarded contracts to three companies to design and develop the human landing systems…

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Friday, May 1

Today, President Donald Trump will participate in the recognition ceremony “Hard Work, Heroism, and Hope” in the Blue Room of the White House. The event will celebrate those…

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