Yes, You Can!

The Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada, is one of the seven wonders of North America…

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Day 50

Day 50 Your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.…

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Thursday, March 19

This morning, President Donald Trump will take part in the daily live stream of the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing. He and task force members will use…

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President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act

Says he is a “wartime president” over coronavirus. As part of the Trump Administration’s efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump announced Wednesday that he is invoking…

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President Trump Approves South Carolina Disaster Declaration

FEMA deployed to help relief efforts On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Trump had declared that a major disaster currently exists in the state of South…

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First U.S. Coronavirus Vaccine Tests Begin

Success results will take time As states and the federal government take more aggressive measures to fight the coronavirus outbreak, a laboratory in Boston, Moderna, is moving forward…

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Congress Considers $1 Trillion Aid Package

Coordinates with White House for direct aid to Americans  Following the passage of expanded help for individuals who became unemployed or sick during the current Covid-19 pandemic, Congress…

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Former Vice President Wins Tuesday Primaries

Puts nomination out of Sanders’ reach Decisive victories were handed to former Vice President Joe Biden by the Democrat voters of Florida, Illinois and Arizona in Tuesday’s primaries.…

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Magnitude 5.7 Earthquake Hits Utah

Shakes entire Wasatch Front A strong earthquake shook buildings from Logan to Spanish Fork, Utah, Wednesday morning. The 5.7 magnitude quake happened at 7:30 a.m. local time with…

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Northern Border Closed to Non-Essential Traffic

Mutual agreement with Canada On Wednesday, President Trump announced that the U.S. and Canada are temporarily closing their shared border to non-essential traffic as part of the effort…

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