Presidential Update on Progress Addressing Coronavirus

President Trump announced that the initial bill out of Congress to provide relief to some Americans has been signed.

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Two Congressmen Test Positive for COVID-19

More announce self-quarantines Two members of the U.S. House of Representatives developed symptoms of the virus, were tested, and found to be positive. Representative Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida…

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Government Proposing Direct Stimulus to Americans

Payments would arrive April 6 and May 8 The Trump Administration Treasury Department has proposed sending Americans two rounds of checks totaling $500 billion in an attempt to…

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Senate Passes Coronavirus Funding Bill

President expected to sign it The Senate has passed the House’s bill intended to provide economic relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  H.R. 6201, the Families First…

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David Stilwell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

The U.S. State Department rebuked China’s ambassador after a Chinese Embassy official claimed the U.S. military had planted the coronavirus in Wuhan, China.

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Angus King, U.S. Senator from Maine

The Cyberspace Solarium Commission will release a sweeping report later this month that includes recommendations on the development of a national defense strategy for cyberspace.

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Judge Sharon Gleason, Alaska U.S. District Court

A federal judge has blocked President Trump’s plan to open up parts of Alaska’s Tongass National Forest to logging.

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Commander Kyle Woerner, Tactical Technology Program Manager, DARPA

If successful, the Manta Ray class of UUVs [unmanned undersea vehicles] would allow operational flexibility and relief of workload for both traditional and host ships and servicing ports,” Commander Kyle Woerner of DARPA said.

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An Overflowing Cup

Psalm 23:5 – My cup overflows. In many fine restaurants, coffee cups are placed upside down on their saucer. If you want coffee, you turn your cup right…

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Issue 430

March 19th – 25th, 2020 PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The Trump Administration is asking Congress for an economic stimulus of $850 billion to support the…

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