Senate Fails To Reach Stimulus Deal

Important votes are sidelined by virus. Hopes of a quick stimulus deal unraveled on Sunday as four major congressional leaders and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin failed to break…

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New York State to Begin Virus Drug Trials

FDA moved “very expeditiously,” governor says. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reported that coronavirus drug trials will begin in his state on Tuesday in an attempt to control…

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Treasury Secretary Extends Tax Deadline

Payments will not be due until July 15. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced on Friday that U.S. Taxpayers would be offered a three-month extension to file their taxes…

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Interior Received Nearly $1 Billion in Funding in 2019

Conservation funds primarily come from license renewals. On Thursday, the Department of the Interior announced that 2019 had seen some of the largest governmental gains from excise taxes…

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Federal Reserve Taking Aggressive Measures

Actions go beyond 2008 financial crisis. A broad slate of programs to make sure credit flows to businesses and consumers crippled by coronavirus safety measures has been announced…

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Secretary Pompeo in Kabul on Urgent Mission

Political impasse has undermined U.S. efforts. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Kabul on Monday on what the State Department said is an urgent, unannounced one-day diplomatic…

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Surgeon General Says “Stay Home”

“Everyone should act as though they have the virus.” Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams warned Monday that the coronavirus outbreak will worsen this week, numbers will spike, and…

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The popularity of virtual assistant home speakers has sparked a thriving industry in entertainment…

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Monday, March 23

President Donald Trump will begin the week by meeting with Vice President Mike Pence for a working lunch. The two are expected to focus the majority of their…

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Day 46

Day 46 I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in…

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